
About FluidBoxes

FluidBoxes was a simple thought perceived by two architects Zione and Aparna in the year 2018. This simple thought grew into a vision to reach conceptually sound and user responsive design to each and every client.Established in the year 2020, the vision grew into an exclusive approach and a structured methodology of design. Our unique design strategies were quick to be recognised and appreciated by our clients. As the goodwill and reputation grew, the architectural and interior projects started shaping up to be iconic and revolutionary. We at FluidBoxes, have a dedicated team of architects and designers to provide the best user-friendly design response. We understand that every client and their requirements, preferences, characteristics and design vision vary. Hence we constantly strive to evolve our design strategies and styles. The extensive and dedicated research and analysis put into every single project helps us derive at a multi-dimensional approach style for every design.

Every design is a paradox of ‘what confines’ and ‘what’s confined’. ‘What confines’ is the rigid boundaries we see with naked eye i.e. the boxes that constitute the useable space. ‘What’s confined’ is the multi-dimensional fluidic volume that flows between these boxes creating life and character to the space. We strive to achieve the delicate balance between the two thus creating Spaces which are Fluid Boxes in their truest essence.

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